How To Calm Down A Dog

How To Calm Down A Dog

If you’ve found that your dog suffers from anxious feelings, we’re here to help. Here are some ways that you can help your dog calm down.

If you’re wondering how to calm down your dog, there are tips and tricks that you can use to help reduce their anxious feelings. Dogs are man’s best friends, so when you see your furry friend struggling with anxiety, you’d certainly want to figure out ways to help. 

Luckily, there are several paths you can take to help calm down your dog. We will begin by sharing some symptoms that your pup may be feeling in addition to some ways that you can help calm down your dog.

What Are The Signs Your Dog Is Experiencing Anxiety?

If you’re unsure where to start with calming down your dog, you should consider a few things. Are they constantly anxious and, therefore, need to be soothed somehow? 

Is there a certain trigger that leads your dog’s anxious feelings to spike? Is it noise or a nearby situation? Whatever the case may be, taking note of these things could prove to be helpful when figuring out how to treat your dog’s anxiety.

It’s not uncommon for dogs to experience anxiousness, but if you find that it’s becoming something interfering with your dog’s routine, it could be time to intervene. In order to know that your dog is suffering from these unsteady feelings, you first have to understand some of the signs and symptoms. 

Signs of Anxiety in Your Dog

Since dogs cannot communicate with their humans using words, they have to rely on nonverbal methods such as body language to express their state of being or needs. You’ll need to tune into your dog’s body language to figure out what they attempt to express to you. 

For instance, if your dog seems to be uneasy for some reason or is fixated on licking, this could be their way of indicating to you that they’re stressed out and something is wrong.

Anxious feelings can manifest themselves in various ways with animals, and some of these are more subtle. You should consider whatever constitutes “normal” for your dog when you’re deciphering if your dog is experiencing anxious feelings or they are feeling afraid

Then, compare that to their present symptoms. Here are some common signs that your dog is anxious: 

  • Trembling 
  • Shaking 
  • Lip licking 
  • Increased yawning 
  • Pacing
  • Hypervigilance
  • A lack of appetite
  • Dilated pupils
  • Skin lesions that emerge as a result of self-trauma 
  • An increase in panting or heart rate
  • An increase in salivation or drooling 
  • Excessive grooming 

If you see that your dog has one or more of these symptoms, consider looking into the possibility that they’re struggling with anxiety. 

How Can I Calm Down My Dog?

There are several ways that you can calm down your dog. Some of these might prove to be more effective than others. You will have to try these and see which one works for your pet, but when you find one that does, be sure to stick with it. 

Alternatively, you might consider combining some of these techniques with another to help ease your pet’s anxiety and calm them down. 

WINPRO Pet’s Calming Supplements

Let us give you some insight into why WINPRO Pet’s Calming Supplements work. Our supplements contain a blend of clinically proven animal blood proteins. These work to effectively reduce any anxiety, maintain your dog’s mental alertness and improve how mentally calm your dog is. The result is a non-drowsy product that promotes attentiveness. 

Suppose your dog is suffering from anxiety, and you don’t want to put them on anxiety medication. In that case, the WINPRO Pet Calming supplement can help ease your pet’s stress without the potential side effects of medication. This all-natural product was created in the United States, specifically for dogs. 

Exercise With Your Dog

Consider the time you spend taking your dog for walks to be multifaceted. Not only is it an opportunity to bond with your pet, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to tire your pet. This will prove especially helpful if you know a stress trigger is upcoming for your pet. 

For example, if your dog has separation anxiety and you have to leave soon, taking your dog out for a walk first could tire them out and give them some time to bond with you. 

It’s a win-win. Physical movement can also help boost the production of endorphins that can work to benefit your pet. 

Give Your Pet A Healthy Dose Of Physical Contact

If you can, giving your dog a pet can prove to be tremendously helpful in combating anxiety. Any dog loves their owner, and an anxious dog especially can benefit from its owner’s touch. 

If you know an anxiety trigger is upcoming, pick up your dog, cuddle them, or give them a nice pet--they’ll appreciate it!

Use Music Therapy

Did you know that music therapy has proven to be helpful for humans and dogs? It’s true, music is powerful, and if you can put it to use to calm down your pet, it’s a great idea. If your dog’s anxiety trigger is noise-related, this can help drown it out. 

Use A Calming Coat Or T-Shirt

A calming coat or t-shirt provides your dog with mild, constant pressure to their torso. It’s similar to swaddling a baby. If your dog has anxiety, this could help them.

There are several sizes available, so whether you have a chihuahua, a great dane, or a type of dog somewhere in between, there are options! 

We suggest that you read the reviews when you’re in the process of finding the right calming t-shirt or coat for your pup. 

Create a Safe Space For Your Dog

Our last suggestion to help calm down your dog is to create a safe space for your dog. Consider this their sanctuary. Let’s be real: sometimes dogs get so nervous that very few things can calm them down. 

In this instance, the best way to help ease your dog’s worries is to provide them with a quiet spot to calm down. This sanctuary shouldn’t have stimulation; it’s designed to help them unwind. White noise, however, could be a helpful tool in the sanctuary.


If your dog is anxious or stressed, the most important thing is to ensure that they know that you are there for them. If you find that your dog is routinely struggling with stress or anxiety, you might want to reach out to a vet to get their insight as to the next steps. 

Nevertheless, if you follow these steps, you should be able to reduce your dog’s stress levels significantly. All of us at WINPRO are here to support your pet on their journey towards a life with less stress! 



Dog Anxiety Help: How to Calm Down an Anxious Dog | Pet MD 

7 Proven Ways to Calm Your Anxious Dog | CCSPCA 

Dog Anxiety: What Dog Owners Need to Know | AKC