Dog Itching: How To Make It Stop

Dog Itching: How To Make It Stop

Is your furry friend scratching and scratching with no relief? Read on to find out reasons for this itch and how to make it stop in its tracks.

Is your four-legged friend constantly scratching or biting at their skin? Instead of wanting to play a rousing game of tug of war, is your opponent scratching like crazy? If this sounds like your dog, you need to get to the bottom of what is making your dog miserable and learn how to relieve their symptoms. Once you do, your dog can get back to playing their favorite games with their favorite person.

What Is Causing All the Itching?

It is widespread for dogs to experience pruritus, or the feeling of itchiness, at some point in their life. Sometimes, it can get so bad, your poor pup may need a little help from you to figure out what is causing your dog's itchy skin. Itching can be caused by a number of reasons, from anxiety to an ear infection, but here are some of the main reasons your pup may be a little extra itchy.

Fleas, Mites, and Bites

Parasites like fleas and mites can cause your dog to lick and itch like crazy. Fleas will bite dogs, injecting them with flea saliva, causing them to itch for days. On the other hand, mites burrow into the skin, causing painful itching, scabbing, and hair loss. If your dog has flea dirt or a tick issue, make sure to talk to your vet to treat the underlying problem. Most likely, they will prescribe a medication that will kill off the parasite.

Just like people, dogs are susceptible to mosquito, ant, and fly bites as well. Make sure you are protecting your furry friend on those summer nights. There are insect repellents specifically made for dogs, so do not just use those made for humans, as they may not be safe for our fur babies.

Allergic Reactions

Your super scratcher may be bothered by an allergic reaction. This can come from a food allergy or environmental allergy-like pollen, a new soap, or mold. Paying attention to when your puppy has watery eyes or is itching and any correlation to the time of year, location, or a change in routine will help rule out an allergic reaction. 

A way to reduce environmental allergens is to brush your dog often to remove any pollen or dust left on their fur. You can also bathe your dog more during months when pollen counts are higher, but make sure not to overdo it. Too many baths or water that is too hot can dry out their skin. Adding Epsom salt or aloe vera to their regular baths can soothe their skin and add moisture back into their skin.

Watch for any allergic reactions to beef or wheat, two common trigger foods in dogs. For more information, you'll want to visit your vet for medical advice. 

You can also support your pet by giving them a supplement for allergy support. Supporting your dog from the inside out can help to eliminate the problem before it even begins.  

Skin Issues

Unfortunately, some dogs are genetically destined to have dry or itchy skin. Certain breeds have more skin irritation issues than others. Dry skin can also be caused by cold weather, fungal or yeast infections, or even a thyroid issue.  If you suspect an underlying cause to your dog’s dry skin, make sure to get them into their vet’s office for a check-up.

How to Stop the Itch

Once you have an idea of what is causing the itch and have eliminated the problem, if you can, now it is time to stop that itch!  There are supplements and many home remedies to help soothe your furry family member. All dogs are different, so you may need to try a couple of different options to find out what works best for your one-of-a-kind dog.

WINPRO Allergy Supplement

Fight allergy symptoms naturally with our unique plasma-powered formula that delivers powerful antibodies to inflamed areas. Quickly reducing inflammation and minimizing itching and irritation, this formula promotes healing from within. Unlike any other supplement on the market, the spray-dried plasma proteins calm inflammation triggered by stress, environment and seasonal allergies, while also promoting a healthy coat and clearing up allergy issues with their eyes, ears, and nose.

Oatmeal Baths

If your dog is a bathing diva, this is a great option. Oatmeal baths are a good option if your dog is itching all over. You can make your oatmeal bath powder by taking plain oatmeal and grinding it in a coffee grinder or blender.  You can also buy a prepackaged version; either option is perfect. 

Once you have your oatmeal powder, add it into a bathtub of lukewarm water. The amount of oatmeal depends on the size of your dog, but usually, ⅓ cup to one cup works well. The water should come up to about their belly.  Once your dog is relaxed, pour the oatmeal water around your dog and give them a good old fashion massage.  Make sure to cover all of the rashes or other super itchy areas. After soaking for about 10 minutes, rinse your pup and towel dry them off. 

Baking Soda

A mixture of equal parts baking soda and water can make a paste that can be applied on your dog’s itchy spots. This mixture is great for bug bites, bee stings, heat rash, or general irritation. While this is consumable, don't let your dog eat this mixture, as too much baking soda can be harmful to your curious pet.

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you have caught your dog itching early, and they have not caused any raw or open skin, apple cider vinegar is a soothing, albeit stinky, option to relieve your pet’s itch. In a spray bottle, combine a 50/50 combination of vinegar to water and spray your dog's itchy areas. An added benefit to apple cider vinegar is it repels fleas, so if your dog is scratching because of those annoying little bugs.

Coconut Oil

Topically, it provides relief to dry, itchy skin. Coconut is an easy way to relieve your pet. All you need to do is open a jar and apply the coconut oil to areas of the skin your dog needs relief. Since coconut oil is safe to eat, you don't need to worry about them liking the oil off their skin. They may even get added benefits from ingesting coconut oil. Adding a small amount to your dog's food can help with coughing, digestion, and brain health. Always ask your vet if you have questions about diet changes.

Chamomile Tea

Like an oatmeal bath, you can make a soothing bath with chamomile tea and let your doggie soak to relieve itchy skin. Simply add a few tea bags to the tub of lukewarm water. Once it has steeped for about three minutes, help your dog into the bath and let it soak for around five minutes. To finish, rinse off our pup and towel dry off.


Diet can play a huge role in combating itching skin, especially if it is caused by allergies or an internal issue in the body. Making sure your dog is getting omega-3s is important as it can help support the immune system and its response to allergens. Incorporating a gut health supplement supports your dog’s gut, which will also support their immune response.


When our furry family member has an incessant itch, not only is it miserable for them, but it is heartbreaking to watch. Visiting your veterinarian and understanding the cause of the itching is the first defense in making it stop. Once we understand the cause, it can better guide us in picking a remedy to help our dog.

Your dog’s health and happiness are our biggest priorities. At WINPRO Pet, we aim to help you and your pet get through the ups and downs of life together and our Allergy supplement is the best solution for an itchy dog



Fleas | Animal Health Topics | School of Veterinary Medicine (

Coconut Oil for Dogs: Is it Really Good for Them? | American Kennel Club (